As the Fall leaves begin to change color here in the Northeast United States, those of us who are prone to respiratory infections begin our perennial search for non-toxic strategies to maintain wellness. In an effort to avoid antibiotics, we desire a more natural defense against the coughing and wheezing that so often leads to bronchitis, walking pneumonia and other respiratory sickness.
Colloidal Silver
Silver has been used for thousands of years as a healing and anti-bacterial agent by civilizations throughout the world. Its power to restore wellness can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires. Long before the development of modern antibiotics, silver was used as a germicide and healing agent.
Two years ago I discovered MesoSilver, the best Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver available. In the middle of a severe case of bronchitis, I bought a bottle of their colloidal silver and a nebulizer. Inhaling the colloidal silver mist from the nebulizer 3 or 4 times a day, the bronchitis was gone in less than 2 weeks! Fully gone with no lingering effects. And, I did not take any antibiotics.
Then, last year as I started to develop a hacking cough, I fired up the nebulizer again and got rid of the cough with a week. No bronchitis, no missed days of work, just a natural healing to restore wellness. Of course, your mileage may vary...
Mainstream Medicine Is Afraid
Mainstream medicine is deathly afraid of colloidal silver and the threat to their billions in profits from antibiotics. In fact, if the public were told the truth, unheard of when it comes to mainstream drugs versus natural competition, colloidal silver would represent a huge threat to the billions of dollars of profits. Is it any wonder that mainstream medicine and their allies in the mainstream media are once again crying like babies just as they have repeatedly done in the past with misleading stories and studies about a great many popular natural plants, supplements, vitamins and minerals that represent threats to mainstream drug profits because they are safer, more effective and less expensive alternatives to the unnatural, side effect laden, hugely expensive and marginally effective synthetics created in the labs of the powerful world pharmaceutical empire.
Respiratory Wellness Now!
Check out the MesoSilver website for more info. You can purchase a nebulizer here.